We understand that sometimes our products do not match your expectations. Keeping our customers in mind, we have devised a return policy which makes it easy to refund/exchange your product. All we ask for is 15 working days. Within 15 working days we ensure that the product is refunded!


Not Happy with your product, no problem. You can initiate a return in ‘My Accounts -> Orders’ section. You could also just give us a call at our customer care number +91-9825011828 or email us at support@modahome.in within 7 days after you have received the product. When you call/email us for refund please mention your reason for refund. That way it becomes easy for us to understand our customers better.

As soon as your refund order has been filed with us, there are two options:a) either you ship the product yourselfb) or we will arrange for a pick up from the same address to which the product was shipped. We also ship a refund form with the product. Just pack the product in the carton/packet, in which it was shipped, attach the form and send it across. Please ensure that the product is unused, not damaged and all the tags and bar codes, invoice slips are intact at the time of return.

Once the product reaches our warehouse, we will inspect the product and once our inspection team confirms that the product received is in acceptable condition, as dispatched from our warehouse, we will either replace your product or give you a gift voucher for the same amount (whatever you opt for). We will also refund the shipping charges (if applicable) when you return the product.Refund of return shipping charges will be limited to Rs 100 or 10% of product cost, whichever is lower. In case you do not want to opt for the gift voucher for the amount of refund or the exchange product, such amount shall then be refunded as you paid for the product. If the payment was made by Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking, we will refund the money to your Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking account respectively*.

  • Orders cannot be cancelled, once they are shipped.
  • In case of personalized / customized products a return cannot be performed by the end customer. Only a replacement or refund as per the refund policy can be done in case of such products.
  • Refund process will be initiated once we receive the goods.
  • We refund only to customers in India.
  • If you cancel your order before the products are shipped, you can have your entire money refunded in less than 7 business days.
  • If you lose the refund form, don’t worry. Let us know and we will send one through email to your email id that has been registered with us.
  • Please follow up with your respective bank/ card issuer post completion of refunds process by www.modahome.in to check on reflection of funds in your account